About Us

About Us

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jacksonville-twilightIn 1999, Maria Condaxis founded Language Services Int’l Corp. in Jacksonville, Florida, and in 2013, Caryn Condaxis Assi, purchased the company. Initially, the company provided only a few foreign languages. But as Jacksonville began to grow, so did the company. We began to expand our services to different languages, including American Sign Language (ASL).

As our clients needs changed, the company adapted to this growth. Providing the service of document translations was the next line of business added. These translations include:

[dt_cell width=”1/3″][dt_list style=”1″ dividers=”true”][dt_list_item image=””]Product labels[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Video games[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Websites[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Diplomas[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]School transcripts[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Birth certificates[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Marriage certificates[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Divorce certificates and documents[/dt_list_item][dt_list_item image=””]Adoption documents[/dt_list_item][/dt_list][/dt_cell] [dt_divider style=”thin” /]

Conference services were also added. More and more companies based in the Jacksonville area began to expand into the international market. As they began to have their associates come to Jacksonville for conferences, the need for on-site simultaneous interpreting developed. We provide the equipment (headsets, booths, etc.) necessary as well as interpreters who are experienced to interpret simultaneously.

Most recently, the company began offering transcription services. These services are provided for not only foreign languages, but also for the English language. Insurance companies, therapists, and doctors submit their recordings to be transcribed into a document.